Hi there! I am so happy that you stumbled upon my blog. I’m going to introduce what you may find while pursuing my site. I am beginning my journey as a spiritual healing coach, and a Reiki practitioner. You are coming along with me in my journey of setting up my practice. I am going to display for you the good, the bad, and the frustrating. I also am going to show you how rewarding investing in yourself can be.

You are going to find mostly advice, recipes, and guidance that I am using in my daily life while gearing up to begin my practice. When I am ready to begin taking clients, I only will be coaching and healing using the same exact methods that I use on myself. Not only that, but I will coach my clients to be able to use these methods on themselves as well.

Sprinkled throughout, you are going to find some anecdotes of real life. I am going to share successes and failures. We will laugh, we will cry, but most importantly, we will live. I am excited to take on this next chapter, and could not be more excited that you are here to join me!